TV Tattle Is Now a Direct-to-Your-Inbox Publication
After 20+ years on the web, TV Tattle is going the paid newsletter route.
If you’ve followed this site over the years, you probably know by now that the economics of curated content have changed dramatically since TV Tattle first launched back in the year 2000.
Through its various iterations in recent years, TV Tattle has failed to break even, and although the site has always been a labor of love, we’ve got bills to pay.
So here we are. TV Tattle has a small but very dedicated readership — most of you visit the site more than two times a day (and some many more times than that!) — and we’re hoping that you think it’s worth $5 a month.
In exchange, you’ll get complete access to each of our posts as they’re published, both on the website — and if you choose — via email.
As always, Norman will continue to post multiple times most weekdays, and occasionally on weekends as news warrants. He’ll continue to take off major holidays and the week between Christmas and New Years.
Please click the button below for subscription options, or visit our About page for the full sales pitch. Thank you for following us on this journey!